Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wordless Today

I have no words today. Hopefully some pictures will do

*Pictures from nothing is impossible

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I don't feel like I accomplished a thing today!

I went to the hairdresser, and she cut like, a 1/2 inch off my hair.
I bought hair colour and conditioned my own hair (so saved $50 right there!!)
I did some dishes, made soup, and read 200 pages of Twilight. again.

so totally did nothing. I tried writing some more, but it seems that as soon as I publicly announce I'm going to do something, my brain just goes into shut down mode. totally not fair! I can't have writer's block already, can I?

What if I get too personal in this? What if he reads it and finds out he's in the book?!! what if I never finish? I could get bored and stuck and give up.
I don't want to be one of those people. I want to do this. for me. this is my turn to steal the spotlight.

focus grasshopper. focus.

Friday, January 22, 2010

A New Chapter

I'm about to embark on a brand new journey. and I'm scared to death.

For a while now, I've been thinking a lot about my life and what I want to get out of it and all of those deep questions young people my age should be bringing up. It struck me like a ton of bricks the other night as I was driving home from a movie night with my friend.

I'm unhappy.

I don't know why (okay, well I kind of do, but I don't wanna talk about it) but there has to be something that I can do to shake this horrifying feeling. Since I've moved out of my parent's house back in November, there's just been this uneasy feeling inside of me I can't get rid of. I thought about it and prayed about it and then it hit me. I'm going to write a book.

It's the one thing I've wanted to do since forever and now seems like the perfect time. It must be. I'm having dreams about my characters! One is a nice, tall, dark and handsome Greek man named Matt ;) Either it's time for me to write a book, or I need to get a red eye to Greece!!

Of course, I'm absolutely frightened to finally put all of my daydreams down on paper. I do believe, however, that this adventure will be the journey I've been so desperately seeking. I hope so, anyways.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

If I Only Knew Why

I think Mr. Lawrence said it best.

[This ain't where the road comes to an end/This ain't where the bandwagon stops/This is just one of those times when/A lot of folks jump off/You find out who your friends are]

I was having lunch with a friend this week and he said something that has had me thinking hard ever since. His comment has me still awake at this unfriendly hour of the night trying to compose a serious answer to his in-passing statement. In the midst of joking fun on my behalf, he questioned my want to hang out with him. I had not put much thought into the subject, other than my Christmas card where I tried to say as much as possible in as few words as I could. Stunned, I managed to mumble out an unimpressive statement in which I expressed my unintelligence on the matter.

He makes constant fun of me and tells me everything I’m doing is wrong. There is little communication outside of work, and I don’t think I know as much about him as he does about me. We hardly ever hang out but when we’re together I think I talk too much about myself.

He is the one I can always count on. He’s that typical “nice guy” who would talk you out of a panic attack for half an hour and would text you before your plane left on your first-ever flight. He would answer any questions your virgin ears have about sex until three in the morning and offer to take you to the local sex store for fun on a Sunday. He’s the only one who can convince you to try sushi even when the thought makes your skin crawl.

This is the guy you’ve known for what seems like forever and who always had advice for you. He can make you laugh no matter how tired your heart may be and would never, ever judge you when you screw up. Yes, he’s that guy. The kind, loveable, friendly goof on whose bad side you never want to me. He will banter with you like there’s no tomorrow and tell you when you’ve done something wrong. This guy is not afraid to tell you what he knows you don’t want to hear because he truly has your best interest at heart. His opinion matters.

Something inside of me needs him around. In the depths of my heart, my head, and my soul, I have to have him in my life. It’s as simple as that.