Saturday, January 23, 2010


I don't feel like I accomplished a thing today!

I went to the hairdresser, and she cut like, a 1/2 inch off my hair.
I bought hair colour and conditioned my own hair (so saved $50 right there!!)
I did some dishes, made soup, and read 200 pages of Twilight. again.

so totally did nothing. I tried writing some more, but it seems that as soon as I publicly announce I'm going to do something, my brain just goes into shut down mode. totally not fair! I can't have writer's block already, can I?

What if I get too personal in this? What if he reads it and finds out he's in the book?!! what if I never finish? I could get bored and stuck and give up.
I don't want to be one of those people. I want to do this. for me. this is my turn to steal the spotlight.

focus grasshopper. focus.


Josh Opinion said...

My Myers Brigg test says I am an INTP, which means I am highly analytical, live in my own world, and rather spend time in a world of theories and possibilities rather than participating in the "real" world. I found the best way to start achieving my goals was quite simple but the hardest- to take massive action. To quiet all the what ifs in my head and take one giant step forward and figure out the rest from there. I have never regretted any of these leaps no matter if I consider them failures or successes, its all a part of my journey. The only thing I regret in the past was when I over analyzed something and played it safe and did nothing.

Try it out :)

BTW- love your blog too!

Ashley said...

That's some good food for thought - thanks for the advice :)

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